Charge Messenger 101: How to Invite Contacts

Charge Messenger is a cross-platform messaging app that keeps your conversations synchronized across all devices. Now you'll never miss a message when you can stay connected on Android, iOS and the web.

We know you want to GIF-roulette already, but first things first, you gotta learn how to invite your contacts to Charge. In just a few simple steps you can invite your friends and family to use Charge Messenger too!

For Android Users:

![Invite process for Android](/blog/content/images/2015/09/Android-invite-blog.gif)

1. Search through your imported contacts to find the person you would like to chat with. 2. Click their name and the Charge Message interface will appear. 3. Send a message 4. An orange toolbar will appear at the top of your message field stating: “X can’t see your message!” with an **[Invite]** button Click it! 5. An Android popup will appear telling you the person you are sending a message won’t see your message until they download the app. 6. Press the **[Invite]** button 7. Charge Messenger will autofill a SMS invite message for you to send through your phone’s standard text message application _(the phone in the video uses Hangouts by default)_. 8. When the person you invited downloads Charge Messenger, the messages you previously sent will be waiting!

For iOS Users:

The process is almost identical for iOS users.

![Invite process for ios](/blog/content/images/2015/09/iphone-invite-blog1.gif)

1. Search through your imported contacts to find the person you would like to chat with. 2. Click their name and the Charge Message interface will appear. 3. Send a message. 4. Upon pressing send, an Apple popup will automatically appear with an **[invite]** button. _(No need to press the [invite] button in the orange toolbar)_ 5. Press **[Invite]** button 6. Charge Messenger will autofill a SMS invite message for you to send through the Messages app. 7. When the person you invited downloads Charge Messenger, the messages you previously sent will be waiting!
Thanks for downloading!

The Charge Team